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翌昭和21年(1946年)3月、兄が広島県立第一中学校に通う事になり、家族全員千田町に戻りました。私は広島市立千田国民学校5年生。校舎は全焼、しばらくの間は青空教室でした。兄が東大に、私が広大に進むため、両親は家を改築して簡易旅館「おくだ」の経営を始めました。私の広大の友人達も何人も広大受験のため泊まっていきました。家のまわりの焼け跡には、馬の白骨の頭蓋骨とか曲がってくっついた瓶や茶碗等がころがっていました。鉛の水道管や銅の電線等を集めて、小遣い稼ぎをしたり、進駐軍のジープの後を追いかけて、「ギブミーチョコレート!」と叫んだりしたものです。河童さんの「少年H」の世界ですねー。毎年9月23日の秋分の日に千田小学校の同窓会を開きますが、原爆で家族をなくして夜間中学に通った人、旧満州から目を覆うような状況の中やっと広島にたどり着いた人等、皆、焼け野原の広島で苦労した中で、両親が揃っていた私は幸せなほうでした。父は私が大学3年の時57歳、狭心症で亡くなりましたが原爆の影響があったかどうかは判りません。母は88歳の長寿を全うしました。今朝の広島平和記念の式典を観ながら”NO MORE HIROSHIMAS, NO MORE HIBAKUSHAS”と言う思いを強く
68 years ago today, an A-bomb was dropped over Hiroshima. My elder brother and I were evacuated to a relative’s house in the country side to avoid daily bombing all over Japan. I was ten years old then (4th grader) and studying at our elementary school. Suddenly we saw a bright flash! What’s that?!, shouted everyone.
About two minutes later, we heard a big bang! and the school building trembled an…d I ducked under the desk. Our school was about 30 miles away from where the bomb was dropped.
At that time my mother was gathered to remove houses to expand roads fires won’t spread. She was about a mile away from the center of the blast. It was a very hot summer day and she was wearing a very simple dress. The flash came from her left side and it burnt left side of her body, face, shoulder. arm and ankle. Although she was heavily injured, she went to where my father was working. He was working for a printing company and the building had been collapsed. She asked a near-by soldier and asked him to rescue my father. He removed the roofings of the building and pulled out my father. My father was buried between printing machines and suffered only a few cuts.
They spent the night near Hiroshima university but my mother was unable to move next morning. My father took her to a friend’s house in the southern part of Hiroshima where houses were not destroyed.
In the mean time, my aunt’s brother, Takumi-san who was a bus driver then, went to Hiroshima to look for his youngest sister, who was a girl’s high school student. He couldn’t find her but found my parents and brought back to where we were. My father treated my mother using oil and gauze, no medicine of course.
Next spring, my brother cleared to go to the Hiroshima First junior high school, so we all went back to where we were living before.
I became a fifth grader, no school buildings so we had classes outside. I used to collect read water pipes and copper lines to make money and chased after American jeeps shout ing “Gimme chocolate!” What a life! My brother was going to the University of Tokyo and me to Hiroshima University, so my parents remodeled our house and started a simple inn for university students.
My father passed away by heart attack at the age of 57, when I was a junior student. My mother, however, enjoyed her longevity and she passed away at 88. She was so happy when I became a professor of Hiroshima university. I used to bring her a dish or two of what I cooked to thank her for what she did for us.
The American ambassador Mr. Stevens and the movie director Mr.Oliver Stone attended the Peace Memorial Ceremony this morning. Watching the ceremony on TV, I prayed for NO MORE HIROSHIMAS, NO MORE A-BOMB VICTIMS, and world Peace.Thank you.

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カテゴリー: 日本語教育の現場から パーマリンク